The Case For European Rearmament — Against The Left’s ‘Beautiful Soul’Hegel’s concept of the beautiful soul appears in Phenomenology of Spirit, particularly in Hegel’s discussion of morality, conscience, and…Mar 18Mar 18
Why People Say ‘Drugs and Alcohol’ or ‘Rock and Metal’ — A Deep Dive Into Concrete UniversalityWhy do people say “drugs and alcohol” or “rock and metal music” instead of just saying “drugs” or “rock music”? Answering these two…Mar 151Mar 151
Why “A woman is someone who identifies as a woman” is not a meaningless statementIs it really true that tautological propositions are meaningless?Mar 4Mar 4
Users of the World, Unite! | Re-inventing The Syndicalist Movement in the Techno-Feudal EraThe 2023 Reddit API protests — A New Form of Labor Organization?Feb 191Feb 191
Gender and Motherhood Between Metaphor and AutohyponymyWhat is a metaphor? It is a hidden comparison, an association through similarity or resemblance (which is distinguished from metonymy, an…Feb 9Feb 9
The Enclosure of Information: Alternative Data, Bossware, and the Societies of ControlLet’s start with a personal anecdote: I currently work as a BI developer for a procurement analytics company whose database comprises about…Feb 3Feb 3
Does Everything Have Meaning? | How Machine Learning Theory Helps Understand PsychoanalysisDoes everything have a hidden meaning? What does it mean for something to have a meaning?Dec 26, 20242Dec 26, 20242
The Journey Is the Meaning: How Searching Creates What We FindIn the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, the main character realizes that his journey was part of the destination; the real treasure…Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024
A Thought that Moves: The Iterability of Language in Our MindsLet’s start with a naïve set of questions: what is the difference between hating yourself and thinking the thought “I hate myself”? Or…Dec 9, 20241Dec 9, 20241
Symbolism for Whitehead in Comparison to Lacan, Hegel and DeleuzeToday I finished reading “Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect” by Alfred North Whitehead. In this essay, I plan to present the main ideas…Dec 3, 2024Dec 3, 2024